Tagged: transgendered grandparenting


Grandchildren and their Trans Grandparents

And 10 years later…… (after my ex-spouse came out as transgendered)…. how’s it going with the grandchildren??? From the TransGrandParent (Grandmap – the monicker the kids gave her) point of view, it seems to be...


In Response to Dr. Oz Show on Transgender

While I appreciated the segment on the Dr. Oz show today on transgender transitions, so much was left out.   Dr. Oz did a good job on telling the story of the transgendered person, and...

Generational challenges for GLBT  – Thoughts from a Str8t Spouse 0

Generational challenges for GLBT – Thoughts from a Str8t Spouse

SIX YEARS AFTER THE TRANSITION ….. As I listened to my grandchildren interacting with my ex-spouse (a transgendered M2F) in the basement of my house, my feelings are very mixed.  I’m so glad that...

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