Welcome to Barb’s Blog!

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It’s nice to meet you! Learningbyts is the online place that Barb learns byt by byt. On these pages, you’ll find links to lots of learning from personal reflections to ones related to my career experiences. So kick up your feet, grab a cup of coffee, and explore my path through my Personal Learning Network…

Come join us in the learning process….. click on the tabs above to see the different blogs….

Long-time educator supporting individualized learning for all students. Earned BS in elementary education, Master's is Technology for Teachers, and Ph.D. in Computing Technology for Educators. Teaching experience in all grades from Pre-K to adult. Currently retired, but still involved in education through Learningbyts, as an educational consultant and CEO and author.

6 Responses

  1. CybrScrybe says:

    My how time flies! It’s been six months since I added to this blog….

    Life has changed a little. I went back to the elementary classroom for a year (See the Higher ED vs. K-12 blog at http://www.learningbyts.net/Blog/K12vsHigherED/2004/10/higher-ed-vs-k-12.html for more details).

    Ken just helped Mom move into a Senior apartment, Uncle Gene is currently in the hospital, and we’re going to be grandparents again in September.

    I’m still plowing away at my dissertation, so don’t have much time to keep up this blog…

    So it’s back to writing for me.

  2. CybrScrybe says:

    For some reason, this blog is not posting comments on a timely basis. So if you post a comment and it doesn’t show up after 5 minutes, please email Barb at barb@learningbyts.net and let her know.


  3. Anonymous says:

    The “Outlaws/Inlaws” are very proud of the “Newly Weds” and wish them “Best Wishes and Lots of Love”. The wedding was a “Dream Wedding” especially since the weather was “topsy turby”… from “Bonnie and Charlie” and the fact that it was “Friday the 13th of Aug 2004”!

    FYI: Just like any other normal families… when we do not see eye to eye on issue’s then we are “Outlaws” instead of “taking an eye for an eye”. All the other times we are Proud to be the “In-laws”!!!

    From the Clark and Stinebaugh Families :>)))

  4. CybrScrybe says:

    Well, that went well…. the conference went so fast, followed by a week in Maryland soaking up Maryland seafood, culture and the ocean, not to mention Jocie’s wedding. Then a week at home with Gary visiting and showing him the sites.

    So … how much of the conference stayed with me??? Hmmm.. it’s hard to remember back that far.

    However,… I DO remember sitting on the beach, and Jocie’s wedding was SO much fun! She was a gorgeous bride, and everything went smoothly from a guest’s standpoint. However, you’ll probably get a different story if you ask the bride herself, or either of the “outlaws” as they are calling themselves. It’s good that they get along so well. Hopefully, it will make life easier for the two newlyweds…

    Gary’s favorite visit this week was to the Old West town of Buckskin Joe’s where he witnessed a gunfight and hanging. However, he says if he were the owner of the tourist spot, he’d not allow the shooting. I guess we didn’t do bad as parents… He and Ken are off to take a cog rail ride to the top of Pike’s Peak.

    And I’m off to focus on my idea paper for my dissertation….


  5. CybrScrybe says:

    The SCTEA (Southern Colorado Teacher Education Alliance) Summer Institute will be starting tomorrow. I will use this BLOG to type in my impressions and my learnings from the conference. Stay tuned for more details.

    And Add your comments to mine…

  6. CybrScrybe says:

    Say hello…. or tell me what you think of my web pages…… just be polite….

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