Wasting or Working
By cybrscrybe | Published | No Comments
On the Today show they had a segment on how technology has served to help and to hinder our productivity. Not that the three of us didn’t already know that we could make ourselves busy for hours on the internet without ever really doing our work; it is just that this segment told about a new Time magazine article that gives terminology to what we do (or don’t do).
Computer sucking–this is when you get on the internet to do one thing and find you get involved doing many other things not related to the first task, and by the time you realize it, 2 hours have passed. Yes, you have been computer sucked.
Frazzing—this is when you get on the computer to start to work and after you have checked your personal email account, your work email account, your blogs, the comcast homepage news stories, etc., etc., your morning is done, and you haven’t really done anything. guilty!!!!!! guilty!!!!!! Yeah, that one describes me. As a matter of fact, I think I am frazzing right now.
There are more terms, but these are the only ones I heard before I was sucked into the computer this morning!
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