Taking advice

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So I am taking the advice of the wise Anita. As JPRazza I should be able to say what I want. Which means we need to get rid of our websites to be anonymous. And probably change our previous posts? What should we do? Taking advice from you all.

The story of JPRazza. I have a cousin who is about 5 years older than me, Michael. Mikie came to live with us one summer after his parents got a divorce. He was beginning to have signs of what was later to be diagnosed as schizophrenia, but at this time in his life it was passed off as drug abuse and teenage hormones. I loved Mikie like crazy. He gave me lots of attention and made me laugh all the time. He used to tell me I needed to smile more—I was in those teenage hormone years, too. He told me once that I was very pretty when I smiled, and I needed to do it more often. He then dubbed me JPRazza which made me laugh and smile some more. Mikie has since been lost to the family. No one knows where he is or if he is even still alive. The real tragedy of Mike’s life and my aunt’s life is that, because no one in the family understands his disease or the grief process my aunt is going through, no one speaks of him. But I digress; Mike’s story is not where I was going with explaining why I chose JPRazza.

I have always thought that I would one day write the story of what happened when I was disowned by my mother and brother for going against their wishes by chosing to keep my son, “Ben”. But I know that it would hurt family members for me to write the story from my perspective, and there is no need to do that to anyone. I have always said I would not write the story unitl my mom passes away, but to attach my name to the story (as author) after she passes could still hurt others in the family. So, re-enter JPRazza. I decided a long time ago to use JPRazza as my pen name for telling this story. JPRazza laughs and smiles and is pretty. The story of what happened when I was disowned was not tragic to me (although it was filled with anquish). Attaching JPRazza to the story has multiple meanings. It honors my cousin, Mike, it says the story is about laughter and smiles, and it might protect me from hurting anyone in the family. So it seems fitting to use that name here.

So where did you derive Anita?

So how does this anonymous thing work if we have our photos on here? Or is it just anonymous so no one can google us?

Long-time educator supporting individualized learning for all students. Earned BS in elementary education, Master's is Technology for Teachers, and Ph.D. in Computing Technology for Educators. Teaching experience in all grades from Pre-K to adult. Currently retired, but still involved in education through Learningbyts, as an educational consultant and CEO and author.

1 Response

  1. CybrScrybe says:

    That doesn’t mean you can’t write the story as therapy, and lock it away until after the parties are gone….

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