More on Family vs. Friends vs. Career

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Just letting you know that I’m finally employed! I got a position at a Virtual School in Maryland as their Manager of Profesional Development. This means we are moving back to our home state as well.

The last 3 weeks have been really hectic. In one week, I drove across country (3 day trip) to go back to CO (thought I didn’t have the job, and needed to get winter clothes, anyway). During that week, I found out that I had another interview with one more person the following week, and Ken had a tentative job interivew in the Denver area (which got cancelled). Then the next weekend, Ken and I drove back to Maryland in my little Toyota (packed to the hilt with poor Gracie balancing herself on top of it all). I had the interview on Tuesday, and Wednesday they called with a definite offer. Money is a little better than I had in Castle Rock, but not as good as I need to live in Baltimore. So Ken and I spent the next four days house hunting, and the next week settling on one, and putting in a contract. He flew back to Denver last weekend and is in the process of trying to get our stuff moved here by December 31st, as well as getting the financing through.

Side Note — Poor Gracie, when she got out a rest stop, she just gazed in amazement at all the trees! Then poor thing had to face her two cousins (one orange cat who is very lovable and patiently coaching her out of hiding to play with him, the other a beautiful older tabby who is defiinitely the top female cat). After being here 3 weeks, Gracie’s finally feeling at ease enough not to hide under the bed, and has actually made her way out to the laundry room.

In the meantime, I’ve started work and have worked my first two weeks. This position is a perfect next step for me, as I’m in a Virtual School, and in a position to train teachers on how to teach virtually. Hopefully I’ll be able to find a dissertation topic in here as well, that will finally convince a professor that this field is a viable one.

Mom is holding her own for now. We’ve managed to get a caretaker in for her several times a week. I also stop by and check on her on a regular basis. I’m close enough for hospital runs in the middle of the night, and to juggle her meds if necessary. She’s counting on moving in with us when we get the house. Ken and I have mixed feelings about it, as we both know the work it takes, but also know that it’s a good thing to be there to ease her through the aging process. We will probably keep the caretaker on a part-time basis, as Mom gets along well with her.

The family thing has been interesting as well. I’ve gotten closer to my siblings due to the stress of dealing with Mom, but sometimes it can be overwhelming dealing with all their idiosynchrasies….. while in the meantime, my own kids have seemed to get further away from me (but that’s another blog)…..

It will be interesting to see how old friends react to my husband’s identity crisis. He seems to be going through his midlife crisis, and is wearing earrings! I’m not sure if it’s his way of taking the Wild West with him back to Maryland, or if he’s coming out of his shell, or ????? I think he’s doing it more because he’s trying to compete with young folks with earrings who seem to get jobs before he does. Anyway, at least he’s seeing a counselor to guide him through dealing with this issue which is understandable considering how long he has been unemployed. Hopefully there will be more opportunities for him in Md as well. Part of it is him realizing that he can’t get those high paying corporate jobs anymore, and realizing the fact that he really doesn’t want to either … but then where does that leave him? That’s for he and the counselor to figure out…

So here’s to starting another new chapter in life…. I’ve really enjoyed my time in Colorado, and appreciate the role you two have played in that… I’d really like to continue our friendship, and make an effort to meet once a year somewhere, somehow….. any ideas?


Long-time educator supporting individualized learning for all students. Earned BS in elementary education, Master's is Technology for Teachers, and Ph.D. in Computing Technology for Educators. Teaching experience in all grades from Pre-K to adult. Currently retired, but still involved in education through Learningbyts, as an educational consultant and CEO and author.

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