Dr. Barb’s (aka Cybrscrybe’s) Author’s Page

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Dr. Barb (aka cybrscrybe) has  published two books. The first book was Scribes Online: Learning in an Electronic Writing Space (Ost & Schulz, 1999) and its accompanying teacher’s guide. The second is a self-published children’s book Chipper Stops a Bully (Boksz, 2015). Both can be seen on Amazon.com. Her complete resume can be seen on her website @ http://www.learningbyts.net/
In addition, Dr. Barb’s Doctoral Dissertation can be seen on @ Dissertation published in Digital Dissertations Nov.2012 An Examination of Teachers’ Integration of Web 2.0 Technologies in Secondary Classrooms: A Phenomenological Research Study.

Barbara Harbula was born in Baltimore, Maryland and has been an educator for over forty years. She has taught most grades from Kindergarten to Higher Education, focusing on using technology in the classroom.

Her career as an author started when her 4th graders were involved with a project in Kidlink to write a mystery story with kids in Denmark, South Africa, and the Maryland Eastern Shore. Beaumont Publishing requested her and John Ost to write the Scribes Online series to teach students to utilize the computer to learn to write.

Currently, Barb is working on a series of children’s books about a misplaced prairie dog named Chipper and his experiences in life. Look for The Race Underground: Chipper the Misplaced Prairie Dog, Digs Against Time to be published soon!

 Currently Published Work:

Chipper Stops a Bully 2nd Edition

Give Dr. Barb feedback on this book on her blog page here –  http://learningbyts.net/WordPressBlog/chipper-stops-a-bully-feedback/

Previously Published Work:

Mass Market Paperback

Scribes Online, Learning in an Electronic Writing Space -Student’s Book (CyberJourneys)
Aug 15, 1999

by John Ost and Barbara Schulz
little_scribetbScribes Online, learning in an Electronic Writing Space – Teacher’s Book (CyberJourneys)
Aug 15, 1999
by John Ost and Barbara Schulz
Mass Market Paperback

MORE About the Author

Dr. Barb is a retired teacher from Harford County Public Schools in Maryland. She is currently using her educational experiences to develop help seniors utilize technology in their daily lives. In addition, she adds to her personal blog on a regular basis.

Dr. Barb previously taught Middle School Computer Science, Elementary grades 4 and 5, and was a Technology trainer for teachers in two school districts. She has taught online classes for Insight School of Wisconsin and Connections Academy. She has been an Educational Technology Specialist in Douglas County School District near Denver, CO, working with teachers in the classrooms of 14 elementary schools to integrate technology. In addition, she was involved in several district committees.

Dr. Barb completed a Ph.D. in Computing Technology for Educators at Nova Southeastern University in 2012. Her dissertation focused on using online learning tools to make learning easier for students.

Dr. Barb has previously held positions at UMBC, Johns Hopkins – CTE, and Colorado State University- Pueblo. All three positions involved helping teachers and faculty integrate technology into their teaching practices. As the creator and coordinator of online courses at CSU-Pueblo, she developed and taught online courses for educators. In addition, she was instrumental in matching curriculum to standards so the university could attain accreditation.

Long-time educator supporting individualized learning for all students. Earned BS in elementary education, Master's is Technology for Teachers, and Ph.D. in Computing Technology for Educators. Teaching experience in all grades from Pre-K to adult. Currently retired, but still involved in education through Learningbyts, as an educational consultant and CEO and author.

1 Response

  1. cybrscrybe says:

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