Byts of History
By cybrscrybe | Published | No Comments
As I sit here thinking about the historical debut of James Comey’s testimony on THE Hill of Congress today (during the Presidency of Donald Trump), I think back over the last 66 years of history and my reactions to it. This blog will express the viewpoint and experiences of one baby boomer through history. These historical events start in 1950 and stretch thru the present and include:
- Beyond the 2020 Election
- As Election 2020 Nears
- Reactions during the Trump Presidency
- 21st Century Racism and the American Spirit
- The cold war from a child’s point of view
- The Bay of Pigs from an adolescent point of view
- Putting a Man on the moon as a young adult
- The assassination of President Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy all in a short time period
- The hippies and race riots from a collegiate point of view
- Watergate as a young bride
- 9/11 from a national viewpoint
- The financial crash of 2008 from a homeowner’s viewpoint
- Election of Trump and all byts Trumpian… to be continued…
Other Baby Boomers are encouraged to add their experiences and remembrances to these thoughts . WHEREWERE YOU WHEN…..????
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