From Both Sides Now… Reflecting on the 2024 Election

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As an educator, I was always taught to teach subjects from multiple sides and teach kids how to make their own decisions. So while watching this election season unfold, and the angst on both sides of the political spectrum, I think about how confusing and tough a teacher’s role in this season must be. As a retired teacher, I have the time (and yes, the additional angst) of being able to search out sources that tell both sides of the story. In the coming days of the election season, I will be sharing sources that indeed DO tell both sides. After all, if we want to have a “free and fair election”, the electorate must know and understand what’s really happening. And with the News media being so “biased” as either side will tell you, what is really the truth?

So hopefully I’ll be able to sort through the AI’s, and biased media streams, to offer teachers in the trenches sources they can count on. And if other citizens benefit from seeing both sides, I’ll feel that my purpose as an educator is still strong in retirement.

So look for updates on different topics as they arise in this election season here. Starting with the first debate:

More topics will be added as things occur in this election season… so stay tuned . And feel free to share these links with family or friends who share or don’t share your point of view, so they can make their OWN DECISIONS.

And if you are an educator, and find some trustworthy sources on any of the topics in this election season, please forward them to me @cybrscrybe100218 or so I can share them here.

Long-time educator supporting individualized learning for all students. Earned BS in elementary education, Master's is Technology for Teachers, and Ph.D. in Computing Technology for Educators. Teaching experience in all grades from Pre-K to adult. Currently retired, but still involved in education through Learningbyts, as an educational consultant and CEO and author.

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