Balloon Popper Deluxe

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Balloon Popper Deluxe. By: Nick H., Tony V., and Lance V.

Our project is the greatest project you can ever imagine.
It is the greatest project because it is all stored in a card board box just waiting to step into action. It’s cool because you get to pop a balloon, and when you do it makes the audience go “cool!” The project always is in your use, and can be used at any time any place.

In the project we had a bouncy ball, cookie sheet, race car tracks, clothes pin, a boat, needle and water. We came through lots of trouble finding everything for the experiment because we didn’t have most of these items. For a second we thought we didn’t have the stuff we needed to complete this project but we did.

We really didn’t know what to use to roll down the race car tracks because we didn’t think a bouncy ball would be strong enough to hit the boat all the way across the water but it was. We learned that when you roll a bouncy down the ramp it won’t go fast. But when you push the bouncy ball it will go fast enough to work.

It works by rolling the bouncy ball down the tracks. The ball will hit the boat, the boat will float across the river, and the needle in the boat will pop the balloon.
One of our problems was that sometimes the balloon would move and the needle would miss the balloon and it would not pop. We built the balloon popper because we wanted a cool project and something the audience would like.

If you think the price is right then get your hands in your purse/ wallet and pay up so you can get this amazing experiment. This experiment was hard to come up with that is why this experiment was 16.00.

If you think about buying this project, contact us at
This project will be 16.00 dollars. If any body complains about the price, then please contact us. and we can make a deal.

Long-time educator supporting individualized learning for all students. Earned BS in elementary education, Master's is Technology for Teachers, and Ph.D. in Computing Technology for Educators. Teaching experience in all grades from Pre-K to adult. Currently retired, but still involved in education through Learningbyts, as an educational consultant and CEO and author.

2 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

    Wow!!! We can’t believe how simple this project sounds. It is very well put together, and really COOL! If We could buy it we would.Once again we love your project!!!! This comment from Holly, Nicole, Kaley.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Wow!!! We can’t believe how simple this project sounds. It is very well put together, and really COOL! If We could buy it we would.Once again we love your project!!!! This comment from Holly, Nicole, Kaley.

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