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It’s in!   Turned in the final report to my advisor.  Now all I have to do is wait for the critiques from her and my committee,  fly to Florida to defend it, and go through the publishing process.  Whew! Even those steps sound daunting.  But at least the extended writing has come to an end. 

Or has it?  I keep thinking of things that I could put in there,  and figuring out how to turn it into a presentation for the defense.   But enough is enough, I think!  We’ll see what my committee says.

The other thing is now I keep thinking about other things that I’d like to research.  For example, the methodology I used would be perfect for looking at the life of virtual teachers in online schools… and students there as well. But to convince others of the doing it …. that’s another story.

And of course, now that I researched all those tools, I want to find ways to use them in the classroom and in presentations.   So I’m off to play with Prezi, Cartoon maker, Voki and Animoto.  I’m sure I can wow my committee and others during my defense!.

Happy playing..

Long-time educator supporting individualized learning for all students. Earned BS in elementary education, Master's is Technology for Teachers, and Ph.D. in Computing Technology for Educators. Teaching experience in all grades from Pre-K to adult. Currently retired, but still involved in education through Learningbyts, as an educational consultant and CEO and author.

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