Graphics or Icons -
Check for copyrights -- read the fine print
Some are free "public domain" -which
means you can download them without problems.
Some are free if you give them credit
- See Graphic Stations
copyright statement
Some you have to have written permission to use
Some have a fee you have to pay!
So Be careful!!!
To Download (Harvest)
Right click on the image you want
Click on "Save Image as.."
Go to your Icon folder for the project you are working on... either your
floppy disk - "A:/icons"or your hard drive "C:/Project Name/icons"
Places to Go:
These are just a few.... there are many more.... just do a search on the
web for "icons", "graphics", "backgrounds", "bullets",
"buttons", etc......
Designing your
own graphics - Using KidPix/Paint - Remember that drawing
you did the first day in Paint Shop Pro? It should be stored
on your floppy disk.You can now get it out again . Open the file
and be sure you saved it as a "gif" file. If not, follow this procedure
Be sure to save the file to your
floppy disk:
Go to File
/ Save as/ and
Choose your floppy disk A://
Choose the file type
as ".
gif "
Give it a name you will remember with
less than 8 letters.
Click on" Save".
To Use your files on your pages just click on
your editing page where you want the graphic, then go
to Insert/ picture(or
graphic). You will get an "Open
" menu. Navigate to where your
is, and then hit "Save."
It' s as easy as that!
Translating files to gif or jpeg --If you use Paint or
a similar program to draw-
You will need a graphics program to translate them from
".bmp" (which stands for bitmap) to the ".gif" or ".jpeg" format.
Most browsers do not recognize bitmap files.
Have fun designing your Web
Page!!! You are well on your way!