"Writing Across the Curriculum Using Technology"
Instructor: Barbara A. Schulz
John Hopkins University CTE
May Semester 2000
1 Lesson 2 Lesson
3 Lesson
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8 Lesson
9 Lesson 10 (TH 5/25)* Lesson 11 & *Schedule for |
Lesson 7 & 8 (Saturday Class) - Revising writing to include:
The Writer's Den (http://www2.actden.com/writ_den/tips/sentences/index.htm) Poem about Adjectives (http://www.yak.net/ian/SHR/Grammar/Adjective.html) More details about Adjectives (http://webster.commnet.edu/HP/pages/darling/grammar/adjectives.htm) More about Adverbs (http://www.edunet.com/english/GRAMMAR/adverbs.html) Using a whiteboard online to "visualize" the story as it grows. Connecting -using hypertext to link research to your story to make it authentic and ready for publication on the Internet.
Meeting in a chat room for editing electronically. Sharing sentences using the chat room and then working cooperatively and using decision making skills to collaborate on the writing. Our POD Groups:
1.) Use class time or online time to set
up times for classes and/or students to meet to edit their work....
class may then break into small POD groups accordingly to work out details
of the plan. (Lesson 7) Afternoon Lab Activities--- 1.)Write a message on the message board telling about your best lessons for teaching writing.. 2.) Create a POD with links to sites that
connect with your curriculum.... for instance... Native American 3.) Write a message under the discussion thread "Best Lesson plans on the Net" giving the urls for at least 3 good lesson plans you have found while researching. 4.) Write an email to the instructor summarizing 3 articles you have read or websites you have visited concerning latest technological or educational trends. These could be concerning issues such as Constructivism, DOL, Talents Unlimited, AUPs, Safety, etc. (due by 5/25)
Lesson 1 /Lesson 2 /Lesson 3 /Lesson 4 / Lesson 5 /Lesson 6/Lesson 7 /Lesson 8 /Lesson 9 / Syllabus / Lesson Plan Sample / Assignments / Grading / Bibliography / Log Form / Rubrics / Outline / Course Objectives Copyright 2000 by Barbara
Schulz Scribes Online