Welcome to Learning Byts!
Picture courtesy of Beaumont Publishing, Ltd. 1999
This is Dr. Barb's Portfolio of all her past projects. Explore at will and if you have any questions, contact me.
For more contemporary work, check out Dr. Barb's Blog @ Learning Byts Blog
If you are looking for her books, particularly the Chipper, the Misplaced Prairie Dog Series, check out her Author page on the Learning Byts Blog or on Amazon.com
If you are looking for Learning Byts Consultants (Online Learning Consultants) please go to LBConsultants.
a cup of coffee, prop up your feet, and |
inherit the earth while the learned will find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists." |
principal goal of education is to create individuals who are capable of
doing new things, not simply of repeating what other generations have
Jean Piaget (1896-1980) Swiss cognitive psychologist. |
Visit any of these pages
to find info I've gathered over the years
I've had fun gatherin' 'em... hope you have as much fun visiting!
If you are looking for something in particular, don't hesitate to drop me
an email....