Welcome & Introductions - Meeting started at 7:00 P.M. with 18 people in attendance.

Officers Reports:

President (Denise Gann) Not present

Co-Vice President (Lisa Foltz) The PTA honored Jane Vest on December 23, 1998 in front of the fifth grade and presented her with a gift certificate.

. Tresurer (Ginger Barger) Not present. A report was given out which showed a balance of $664.69.

Secretary (Sue Braun) Asked everyone to sign the attendance sheet. Passed around a thank you card from Mrs. Salisbury thanking the PTA for the

flowers for the winter concert.

Principals Report: Robin Payne

V.C.R. donation has still not been received, however it is expected to come at any time. Another one has been purchased.

On March 23 Dublin will be having a Family Night at school. We need ideas for topics for an adult presentation. A magician is planned for the children.

The school received money for having good MSPAP scores.

Head Lice- Have had a problem with parents not being honest about their children. Stressed that it is not from being unclean. Suggested staying

away from sprays.

Unfinished Business:

Vanna Lewis Memorial- Darlene Heaps not present to report.

Patriot Program- Margie Heaps not present. Lisa reported that there were 10 children working very hard on the program. They will have a candy sale around Valentines Day.

Yearbook- Margie Heaps not present. We were told she needs people to help with this and will be calling for volunteers.

Gingerbread House Night- Darlene Heaps not present to report.

Fun Nights- Lisa Foltz reminded us about Pancake Night at the Churchville McDonalds. She has received the tickets and the PTA has agreed on the price of $3.00 for adults and $1.00 for children under 12. Flyers will be sent home early in February.

Comfort Bear- Sheila Lename reported Denise Gann has not got back to her about this program.

Candy Sales- Sheila Lename decided to go with Wolfgang for the spring candy sale. She thought it was the best value for the money. We need to order 250 items in order to get the pre-packaging. This should not be a problem.

Pizza Sales- Ginger Barger not present, however we were told she is getting the orders together. Do not know how many were sold yet.

Membership Drive- Lisa Foltz asked for input on a flyer to be sent home to parents. Everyone agreed it was fine.

Teacher Appreciation- Teresa Griffith and Linda Blackburn are suppose to get all the information from Margie this week.

Santas Workshop- Chairperson needed for next year.

Playground Equipment- Monica Nelson not present to report on.

New Business:

National School Nurses Day- Date is January 27th. Lisa suggested giving movie passes instead of flowers. Everyone agreed.

Dragon Day- Denise Gann not present to report on.

Dublin Country Fair- Date is May 22,1999. Lisa suggested on having some games from Dragon Day.

Basket Bingo- We are going to have a Longaberger Basket Bingo in late September. It will be a lot of work but the profit on this could be very good.

If 200-250 tickets are sold the profit could be $3,500.00. If 300-350 tickets are sold it could be $5,000.00 - $6,000.00.

Math Climbers- Mary DeVincentz sent a report which Lisa Foltz read. Mary wanted the 11 volunteers to be rewarded for their hard work with a tote bag, and also reward the children at the end of the year. Mrs. Payne and Mrs. Rutherford agreed that the volunteers get recognized at the end of the year and it would not be fair to the other volunteers. Other people thought that the children are happy with receiving the card as a reward.

Bake Sale- Terry Salisbury suggested a bake sale on March 23 for Family Night. Most people were in favor. .

Recycle Cans- Mrs. Rutherford informed us that Karen Welsh will be sending home a flyer to parents informing them of this program.

School Store- Laura Jones mentioned we need to get rid of some of the hooded sweatshirts so more can be ordered. Everyone agreed on putting them on sale to get rid of them. The sizes are limited.

PTA Representative- Mrs. Payne reported some confusion for the room mothers on calling parents about meetings. Some classes do not have room mothers. She suggested a PTA representative from each class.

Book Fair- Jean Watson will be going with Schlastic Books for this years sale. It will be the week of March 22.

Box Tops- Linda Blackburn reported a lot of the box tops had expired. The cut off date is March 31, 1999.

Next Meeting: February 16, 1999 at 7:00 P.M

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,


Susan Braun
